Snape 100


August 29th, 2014

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Here, Kitty, Kitty, V
Challenge: Dolores Umbridge
Word Count: 100

Umbridge turned a ghastly grayish-white color as the charms on the toile activated and the French apprentices commenced to beat, hang, and otherwise abuse their masters' pets. Severus smiled.

“Isn't that unique? The upholsterer was most intrigued by the commission.” Severus gestured to a box that had just arrived from the Tyler-Chartist-Cromwell-Parnell-Lloyd George Mint (not an official government entity). “There's more.”

“More?” said Umbridge, very faintly.

“It's my first shipment in the 'Demonic Kneazles of Myth and Legend' wand handle series and - “

She fled before he could so much as show her the display case.

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