Snape 100


August 28th, 2014

ellid @ 07:58 am: Title: Here, Kitty, Kitty, IV
Challenge: Dolores Umbridge
Word Count: 100

“Professor Snape. If I might have a moment?”

Severus slowly looked up from his cauldron. “Yes, Professor Umbridge?”

Hem, hem.” Umbridge, in a knitted suit the color of well aged Pepto Bismol, clicked neatly into his office. “So gloomy! You really should consider brighter colors and less intimidating décor - “

“Ah, but I did, Professor.” Severus gestured at the new curtains, which began to writhe and purr. “Custom-made black and white toile showing the Great Cat Massacre - “


“ - took a while to arrive, but the results are most inspiring. Don't you agree?”

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