Snape 100


June 16th, 2014

ellid @ 07:53 am: Title: Fixer Upper I
Challenge: Flying Carpet
Word Count: 100

Slughorn's taste in interior décor was not modern. Once Severus got over the awe about being both Potions Master and the Head of Slytherin, he realized that he did not have to live surrounded by shabby chintz, smoke-darkened wood, and pillows that spelled out “WELCOME BABY” in tarnished silver-gilt embroidery.

He began haunting second hand shops for items that hadn't belonged to a man who could turn into an overstuffed chair. It was hard, dusty, but enjoyable work, and soon his quarters were far more pleasant and less fusty.

Then Severus found the flying carpet in a Muggle antique store.

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