Snape 100


January 26th, 2012

ellid @ 06:54 am: Title: Cold Beds, IX
Challenge: hot
Word Count: 100

A hot breakfast did much to make up for the sleepless night, and after a shower Severus felt almost human. The elves and Albus were working on the heating situation, and soon enough he was supervising the children as they moved from their temporary lodgings back into the dorms. The exception were Netherton and the other unvaccinated children, who had to remain in quarantine until Poppy was satisfied that the measles outbreak had not spread.

His own quarters were warm enough that the temporary energy boost soon faded. Severus yawned and lay down fully clothed.

Just for a few minutes….

torino10154 @ 07:36 am: Stress Relief
Title: Stress Relief
Author: [info]torino10154
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to JKR.
A/N: Unbeta'd. Written for [info]snape100 Challenge 418: Hot.

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