Snape 100


January 12th, 2012

ellid @ 07:51 am: Title: Prime Number, iv
Challenge: birthday party
Word count: 100
Note: this is set in the Motherless Child timeline. It takes place about nine months before New York Minute.

Fortunately the restaurant was quiet and clean, and the menu promised a decent if not spectacular meal. Severus let himself relax slightly as Lupin, who blessedly did not mention their recent trip to Germany , chattered away about Nymphadora's wedding plans, the formation of yet another werewolf rights group, and the latest rumor about Harry Potter's romantic life.

"Severus?" Lupin cocked his head as the waiter approached with their appetizers. "If something's wrong we can - "

"Merely thinking." Severus tasted his first forkful. "I never quite thought I'd make 41."

Lupin smiled. "It's a prime number, isn't it?"

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