Snape 100


December 16th, 2011

ellid @ 07:55 am: Title: Improved Wolfsbane, V
Challenge: new potion
Word Count: 100

Remus set his reading aside. "I'll try it tomorrow."

"I've owled a sample to - "

Remus raised a hand before Severus could continue. "It's the least I can do."

Severus stared at an almost imperceptible stain on the sheet where Johnny had thrown up during a bout of stomach flu the previous winter. "It's formulated for young werewolves, not adults."

"I know that, love." Remus reached for his hands, squeezed until Severus looked up. "But if there's a problem, better to test it on me than Johnny."

"There won't be a problem," came the soft reply. "Not this time."

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