Snape 100


October 26th, 2011

ellid @ 07:32 am: Title: Stuck, VIII
Challenge: Halloween
Word Count: 100

It was Remus who found him, stuck in Minerva's broom closet between the ancient Shooting Star she'd ridden as a student and the autographed Firebolt II Harry Potter Signature Edition she'd received as a Christmas gift. Severus was not pleased when Remus gently lifted him up and set him before the fireplace.

They watched as Severus attacked a bowl of kibble. Minerva finally spoke.

"So. What is your idea, Filius?"

"It's a Samhain ritual. We'll need a shapeshifter and a lycanthrope - "

The kitten hissed like a steam kettle. Remus sighed. "I don't think he likes that idea, Filius."

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