Snape 100


August 24th, 2011

ellid @ 08:35 am: Title: Recruitment VIII
Challenge: Snape's new friend
Word Count: 100

"So that's what they have in mind," murmured Lupin. "Fascinating."

"My source is vulnerable. The rest of the Order mustn't know." As usual, he hadn't managed to scrape together the coin for a decent haircut, and as usual, he looked half-starved. Severus had almost made a nasty comment about Nymphadora not feeding him properly until he'd seen the faint tremor as Lupin reached for Zabini's report, then rung for the elves. "Another sandwich?"

"I've had three. Mustn't be greedy," said Lupin. He glanced up from the neatly written pages. "Whoever he is, he's taking a risk."

"He knows," said Severus.

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