Snape 100


July 29th, 2011

ellid @ 12:32 pm: Title: The Passion of St. Simon Magus, V
Challenge: passion
Word Count: 100

“And so the mystery is solved.” Minerva looked up at the painting. Free of its shell of aging varnish, it all but glowed in the candlelight. “No wonder the Princes were so poor when your mother was a student. They spent almost everything they had rescuing this painting from the Nazis.”

“Not a surprise, given their support of the Kindertransport program.” Severus folded his arms as he contemplated the martyrdom of the foremost Wizard saint. “I wonder if any heirs will surface?”

“I’ll make enquiries,” said Minerva. She raised her wand in solemn salute. “To art.”

“To survival,” murmured Severus.

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