Snape 100


July 19th, 2011

torino10154 @ 04:39 pm: Reconciliation and Renown
Title: Reconciliation and Renown
Author: [info]torino10154
Other pairings/threesome: None.
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100x6
Warning(s): Pre-slash and spoilers
SPOILERS/What you are fixing: (highlight for spoilers) *Snape's duel with Minerva is mentioned. Fixing Snape’s death like usual*
Summary: Severus discovers he hasn't burned all his bridges.
A/N: Unbeta’d. Written for [info]snape_potter’s Fix It Fest and [info]snarry100 Prompt 275: Hope and [info]snape100 Challenge 393: Severus Snape and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2.

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