Snape 100


June 30th, 2011

ellid @ 06:46 am: Title: Pride Week, 2004 - IV
Challenge: Pride Week
Word Count: 100
Note: this is set a few weeks after the end of Motherless Child, where Snape and Lupin adopt an orphaned werewolf. They have just returned from a trip to Massachusetts where they married.

"Your boyfriend?" If Severus was surprised, he hid it well. Remus, who had not known Draco well, managed not to gape. "Ah. You've decided to acknowledge your relationship with Mr. - "

"It's no one you know," said Draco, a touch loudly. "I haven't been home in years." He finally seemed to notice Remus and Johnny.

"Professor Lupin? What - "

"He's here with me," said Severus, reaching for Remus' hand. "This shouldn't be a surprise, as I believe you managed to attend our housewarming two years ago."

Draco managed to look ashamed. "I - I'm glad you're still together."

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