Snape 100


June 20th, 2011

ellid @ 07:36 am: Title: Confiscated Treasures, I
Challenge: confiscated items
Word count: 100
Note: this is a Motherless Child series, set in the summer after Snape and Lupin have moved in together.

"You know, you could have the elves clean your office before summer hols." Remus watched as his partner, in worn Muggle clothes, incanted a spell to remove the layers of chalk from the blackboard. "Or I could help."

"If you must." Severus waved vaguely in the direction of his desk. "Mind the lower drawers. I've had to segregate some of the more - unusual items the students insist on bringing into the lab."

"Never would have guessed that." Remus murmured a protective spell and opened the lower left drawer. He stared at the contents. "A student brought that to class?"

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