Snape 100


June 7th, 2011

ellid @ 07:38 am: Title: Family Favorites, II
Challenge: cookery
Word Count: 100
Note: this is a Motherless Child story, set soon after Severus and Remus have become lovers in the fall of 2001.

"Your father liked this?" Remus forced himself to swallow a mouthful of what might have begun as rabbit. Severus was eating with the steady concentration of one who had been raised on the dish.

"It's a Snape tradition." Severus raised his shoulders an inch. "My cousin Gemma won't touch it so I had - are you all right?"

"I - oh dear." Remus hastily spat into his napkin. "Must be an allergy, I never - "

Severus banished the mess with a wave of his hand and summoned a basin. "Here. Why do you think Da ate at the pub?"

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