Snape 100


May 9th, 2011

ellid @ 07:46 am: Title: Glam Rock, I
Challenge: Severus and his mother
Word Count: 100

"Severus?" Heavy footsteps pounded down the stairs. "Severus! What is this?"

Severus put his hands over his ears and glared at Doctor Who on the telly. It was the first day of summer hols. What did she want?

"Severus Snape!" Mum slammed into the room and turned off the telly with a single slash of her right hand. "Where did you get this?"

Severus' eyes widened as he recognized the cosmetic kit in her hand. "It's - I'm keeping it. For a friend! For Lily!"

"Glitter eyeshadow? Mrs. Evans would never let her Lily wear this! What is going on?"

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