Snape 100


April 12th, 2011

ex_lilyseyes671 @ 02:29 am: Dry Heat
Title: Dry Heat
Rating :PG
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Word Count: 100
Challenge: [info]snape100 #377: Snape and Egypt
Warnings: *Rimming, Post-War AU, Snape is Headmaster, implied Mpreg*
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.
Summary: Headmaster Snape is enamored with his husband, but not so much some of his traits.

Dry Heat

Current Mood: relaxed
ellid @ 07:59 am: Title: Wisdom of the East, II
Challenge: Japan
Word Count: 100

Professor Toda lived in a modest house outside Kyoto. She had arranged to meet him for breakfast, but tonight he would stay in a Wizarding ryokan. The food, prepared by a chef who was the only Wizard to have competed on the original Iron Chef, was excellent, and the simple room was comfortable and clean.

If he spent more time soaking in the communal baths than was strictly necessary, who could blame him? He was the only male guest, and it was delightful to have the warm, steamy ofuro to himself.

I could get used to this, he thought.

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