Snape 100


March 28th, 2011

ellid @ 08:05 am: Title: Bummel durch Salzburg, I
Challenge: Austria
Word Count: 100

"Wilkommen! Welcome to the beautiful city of Salzburg!" The guide, a middle aged man with unflattering glasses, beamed at the tour group. "I am Herr Nier, and I will be showing you the sights and sounds of this wonderful city!"

Severus did his best not to yawn. Minerva had sent him here to research the possible connection between the old Prince-Archbishops and the Wizarding World, and the easiest way to do it was to sign up for one of Willy Wanderer's package tours.

That Lupin, of all people, would be along with his multicolored offspring had never occurred to him.

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