Snape 100


March 16th, 2011

ellid @ 07:44 am: Title: The Beginning, III
Challenge: Snape, the new boy
Word Count: 100

"Welcome to Slytherin House!" Professor Slughorn waddled up to the Slytherin table. "Welcome to another year!"

He worked his way about the table, clapping the male prefect on the back, bowing gallantly over the girls' hands. He beamed as he reached the small cluster of first-years. "I know some of you through your dear parents - good to see you, Charlie! And Evan - how you've grown!"

Sev looked up doubtfully. "Hullo, Professor. My mam - Mum says hello. She wanted to thank you for the gobstones."

"Gobstones?" The fat man frowned. "I'm not sure I know what you mean."

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