Snape 100


March 1st, 2011

ellid @ 07:53 am: Title: Staffroom Gossip, VII
Challenge: Snape's Kiss
Word Count: 100

It took a moment for Severus to regain his composure. "Male admirers? Really, Lupin?"

Lupin's mouth quirked. "What made you think I was straight, Severus? Or went about kissing girls? You weren't the only one they wouldn't touch, believe me."

"So sexual frustration turned you queer?" Severus could not, would not look him in the eyes. "Or was it too much moonlight?"

There was a faint clack of wood on wood as Lupin replaced the goblet. The legs of the stool scraped the floor as he pushed back and stood. "At least I've been kissed recently. It's not ideal, but I'll take it."

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