Snape 100


February 28th, 2011

ellid @ 07:50 am: Title: Staffroom Gossip, VI
Challenge: Snape's Kiss
Word Count: 100

"Well. That was awkward." Lupin eased himself onto the nearest stool. "The last time I saw a room clear out so quickly was during a terrorist attack."

"Dunderheads." Severus carefully decanted a flask into a heating vessel. "Gossip about the Headmaster has no place in a school."

"I'm sure you're right." Lupin sighed. "Must it be hot? The taste is foul enough cold."

"What, your female admirers won't kiss you afterwards?" Snape filled a non-reactive goblet and thrust it toward him.

Lupin grimaced and drank. "Severus? Don't assume it's female admirers."

Severus turned away before Lupin could see him flush.

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