Snape 100


February 25th, 2011

ellid @ 07:19 am: Title: Staffroom Gossip, IV
Challenge: random cliché (fourth estate)
Word Count: 100

"It's not the Governors, ultimately," said Pomona Sprout, joining the conversation. "The Fourth Estate is worse, especially that dreadful Skeeter woman. Elphias isn't discreet enough by half."

"And why should he be?" exclaimed Filius, squeaking in his excitement. "The Wizarding World needs to adapt to changing times! Why shouldn't Albus and his boyfriend - "

"Neither of them are boys," Severus snapped, unable to resist contributing.

" - live together? What harm does it do?"

"None whatsoever, but the Governors - "

"Ladies, gentlemen. May I join you?"

The entire room fell silent as Albus Dumbledore appeared in the doorway.

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