Snape 100


February 24th, 2011

ellid @ 07:34 am: Title: Staffroom Gossip, IV
Challenge: random cliché (let things slide)
Word Count: 100

Lupin paused, then inclined his head in apology. "I forgot myself, Minerva. It won't happen again."

"See that it doesn't!" she exclaimed. Her teacup rattled slightly as she returned it to its saucer. "With Sirius Black on the loose - "

"Him." The wolf's foolish expression vanished at the mention of his erstwhile friend. "You're absolutely right. Thank you."

"You're welcome," said Minerva. "Now, about how we should respond to the Governors - "

Severus returned to his reading. It was good to see that for once a Gryffindor would not let a casual reference to the Dark Lord slide.

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