Snape 100


February 22nd, 2011

ellid @ 07:31 am: Title: Staffroom Gossip, II
Challenge: random cliché (Rain on your parade)
Word Count: 100

"Minerva is right, Filius." Lupin, limping slightly, moved to join the conversation. "Times haven't changed as much as you assume they have. Albus is on shaky enough ground as it is. Outing himself - "

"Since when is 'out' a verb, Lupin?" Severus could not help interjecting.

"It's been in common use for a while in the gay community," said Lupin, serene as always. "You live in a Muggle town during summer hols, Severus. You hadn't heard it?"

Severus snapped the Prophet shut. "I hate to rain on your parade, but not all of us are up on Muggle slang."

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