Snape 100


February 16th, 2011

ellid @ 06:39 am: Title: Valentine's Day at Hogwarts, III
Challenge: Snape's Valentine's Day
Word Count: 100

"Now." Professor Snape had mercifully waited for shrieking to die down before tossing the condom-sheathed courgette to the elf. "As for sexually transmitted disease - "

"Sir?" Theo Nott, cheeks aflame, raised his hand. "What about the girls? Why are you talking only to us?"

Professor Snape folded his arms across his chest, long hands slipping inside his sleeves. "Because the Board of Governors requires that these delicate matters be discussed in single-sex classrooms. Alas for your libido, Mr. Nott, your female housemates are with Professor Sinistra even as we speak, learning the best charms for protecting their bodily integrity."

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