Snape 100


January 11th, 2011

ellid @ 07:03 am: Title: Look Who's Nifty Fifty! Part two
Challenge: happy birthday, Severus Snape
Word Count: 100

Dear Professor McGonagall -

What do you mean, Professor Snape doesn't want a party? He's the bravest man I've ever known, and it's about time someone honored him! Doesn't he even want a testimonial dinner? A present? A card?

We can keep it small, only the faculty and the Order. We can even hold it at my house - Kreacher cooks a mean steak and kidney pie, and my mother-in-law bakes the best birthday cakes I've ever seen. Rita Bloody Skeeter won't No one will even know he's there!

Can you talk to him again? Thanks awfully.


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