Snape 100


January 10th, 2011

ellid @ 07:27 am: Title: Look Who's Nifty Fifty! Part one
Challenge: happy birthday, Severus Snape
Word Count: 100

1 January 2010

Dear Headmistress:

Per our conversation last night, this is to confirm the following:

- I do not want a birthday party.

- I do not want cards, letters, flowers, or expressions of false bonhomie.

- Signs, placards, or banners reading "LOOK WHO'S NIFTY FIFTY" will not be welcomed.

- Gifts will be returned to the giver.

- I do not want any special foods, cakes, or alcoholic beverages.

I am not joking.

Very truly yours,

S. Snape

P.S. Please pass this along to Potter and the wolf before they decide that I am not serious. I am.

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