Snape 100


January 6th, 2011

ellid @ 07:30 am: Title: First Footing, IV
Challenge: Snape's Happy New Year
Word Count: 100
Note: this is set in a post-series AU in which most of DH did not happen. Sorry if that wasn't obvious.

"Lupin." He nodded sharply to his old nemesis. Lupin worse almost new clothing for once, and his hair was neatly cut and styled. Being thrown over by Nymphadora seemed to agree with him.

"I understand you were the First Foot this year," said the wolf, smiling and raising a glass of Minerva's superior single malt. "I've always liked the custom but of course I'd scarcely be considered a luck bringer. Sirius, on the other hand, did it more than once."

Severus bit back a comment about dog breeders flocking to hire Sirius Black and calmly sipped his drink. "Do tell."

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