Snape 100


November 16th, 2010

ellid @ 08:03 am: Title: Hot for Teacher, VII
Challenge: Snape and the letter A
Word Count: 100
Warning: underage crush on an adult.

Anna was indeed a lovely woman, cultured, witty, and elegant. She spoke flawless Italian and French, knew more about wizarding history than Binns, and owned a 500 year old country house in Derbyshire that was more tasteful and historic than Chatsworth or Hardwick Hall.

She was also a lesbian.

There was no doubt of this; Snape had met her partner, Sarah, during a research trip to the United States, and Sarah had been shockingly matter of fact about their relationship by British standards. Snape had no objection to this, but how would dating her dissuade young Nott from his crush?

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