Snape 100


November 5th, 2010

ellid @ 07:30 am: Title: A Series of Unfortunate Speed Dates, V
Challenge: Snape and "S"
Word Count: 100

The evening was almost over, thank God. Snape glanced at the clock. Ten more minutes and he could -

"Hullo, Severus."

He winced at the familiar, husky voice. "Dear God, Lupin, what are doing here? And why are you calling yourself 'Serapion Scuttlebutt'? Don't you have a child to tend?"

Lupin grimaced. "Harry said I needed to get out more."

Snape noticed Bruno Schmidt holding hands with Porpentia Scamander while poor Aurora shrank from Stan Shunpike's breath. "I've had enough. Stand you a pint at Rosmerta's?"

"Only if I can buy the next one."

They shook on it and left.

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