Snape 100


October 22nd, 2010

ellid @ 07:42 am: Title: Punked Out Past, V
Challenge: Snape's guilty little secret
Word Count: 100
Note: this is yet another Motherless Child sequel, wherein Snape and Lupin have married and adopted a baby werewolf. This is set during a post-wedding visit to Lupin's mother in America.

"You - I was joking." Remus shut his mouth as Severus turned scarlet. "Sid and Nancy? Really?"

"I was drunk." Severus shuddered at how emaciated and unclean they had been. "He kept saying I was the best lay he'd ever had, and she - "

Remus raised his hand for silence, then summoned a bottle of his mother's whisky and two glasses. "Here. It's American but it's not bad."

Severus managed a faint sneer. "Jack Daniel's? No wonder your mother lets the veg take over the lawn."

"At least we've talked her out of giving Johnny goat's milk."

"There's that."

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