Snape 100


June 22nd, 2008

bethbethbeth @ 10:28 am: Challenge #235: Fanfic Cliches: Gender Swap / Body Swap
(Remember: drabble prompt posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal)

Challenge #235: Fanfic Cliches: Gender Swap / Body Swap. Have you ever wondered what Snape would be like as a woman...or just in the body of a woman? No? Well then...have you ever wondered what would happen if some magical force made Snape switch bodies with Lucius or Minerva or Neville? This week's drabble challenge: to take Snape out of his body!

bluestocking79 @ 12:46 pm: In Plain Sight
Challenge #235: Fanfic Clichés: Gender Swap/Bodyswap
Title: In Plain Sight
Author: [info]bluestocking79
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Snarry
Word Count: 100 x 2
Notes: Presumably the warning for gender swap is implied here—and might I also mention potential crack? This is almost certainly AU… or is it? ;-)

It was an unorthodox solution, but all parties involved agreed that it was for the best.

The opportunity to escape from her overbearing mother proved irresistible to Ginevra Weasley; in exchange for freedom and a generous stipend from the Potter accounts, she shaved her head and swore herself to secrecy regarding Severus' survival and his relationship with Harry.

The Permanent Polyjuice Severus had perfected was the crowning glory of his career—and nobody but he, Harry and Miss Weasley would ever appreciate its brilliance.

With one vile dose of the stuff, Severus grew gingery and bosomy and freckled all over—for good.

The change hadn't been without complications... )

severed_lies @ 01:11 pm: No Good Deed

Title: No Good Deed
Author: Severed_lies
Word Count: 100 X 2
Rating: R
Pairing: Severus Snape/ Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy
Challenge #235: Fanfic Cliches: Gender Swap / Body Swap
Warnings: Horror, Chemically-induced Incest (implied)
Disclaimer: Not mine, never was, never will be.

A/N: Sorry for the gruesomeness.

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