Snape 100


April 20th, 2008

bethbethbeth @ 10:10 am: Challenge #226: Snape is Silent
(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal)

Challenge #226: Snape is Silent. In last week's challenge, 90% of the words had to be Snape's, but in this week's challenge, Snape isn't allowed to speak at all. Instead, some other character has to be speaking to Snape (or at least about him, within earshot). Whether or not Snape chooses - or is able - to respond in some way is up to you, but however you approach this drabble, Snape must remain silent.

zephyr_macabee @ 02:20 pm: Turnabout is Fair Play
Challenge #226 Snape is Silent
Title: Turnabout is Fair Play
Characters: Snape and Sirius
Word Count: 100

“Exsisto silens!” “Consisto!” *

“What’s the matter Snivellus, cat got your tongue?”

Sirius strolled around his victim.

“Speechless and immobile is a good look on you.”

Severus’ face went from angry red to shocked pallor when Sirius banished his clothes.

“Shall I leave you naked in Lily’s bed? If she doesn’t kill you, James will.”

Severus concentrated as hard as he could. Suddenly Sirius was flying across the corridor, knocked unconscious against the wall.

He’d succeeded! He’d cast a wandless, wordless spell. ‘Finite’ restored his clothes and freed his limbs and his tongue.

Now, he mused, what to do with Black?

*Be Quiet, Stand Still

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