Snape 100


February 3rd, 2008

bethbethbeth @ 09:44 am: Challenge #215: Son of Alphabet Redux
(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal)

Challenge #215: Son of Alphabet Redux. This week, we're borrowing from Challenge #41 (which used the letter 'P') and Challenge #131 (which used the letter 'D'). Instead of a theme or prompt, you can write anything Snape-related that you want, but each sentence of your drabble must start with the letter M.

bluestocking79 @ 11:28 am: Morning Has Broken
Challenge #215: Son of Alphabet Redux
Title: Morning Has Broken
Author: [info]bluestocking79
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Notes: Brought to you by the letter M. Set during DH.

Mornings found the Headmaster roaming the grounds, prowling soundlessly by the light of dawn whilst Hogwarts still slumbered.

Mornings were his special, solitary indulgence.

Mists embraced both land and water, illuminated by the rising sun. Mirroring the endless sky and ringed by golden haze, the lake seemed stolen from legend; each time Severus sat and watched the triumphant sunrise, the momentary flash of a fire-coloured lake, his breath caught in his throat. Marvelling that beauty existed even in this cruel time, he sought to burn each sunrise into his memory.

Memories were all that sustained him in his darker hours.

alwaysasnapefan @ 02:42 pm: Nerves
Title: Nerves
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: #215. Son of Alphabet Redux: "M"
Summary: The tension in the castle regarding the Chamber of Secrets is getting to Snape.
Disclaimer: Never owned it. Never will. Harry Potter belongs to Jo.



                Mandrakes. Mature? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe he'd know, had he not been banned from the greenhouse. Merlin! Mad, sad Pomona Sprout. Making the potion required the correct ingredients, did it not? Mightn't he even check up on them once? Many times he had been pushed away. Many complaints he'd held at bay—or not. Many times, she said, he'd gotten in the way. Men could blame him—women, too, madwomen—but who really knew what it was like to have dabbled in the dark and now have to right old wrongs? Mandrakes—was that so hard to ask? Merlin! Madwoman.

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