Snape 100


December 23rd, 2007

bethbethbeth @ 10:44 am: Challenge #209: The 12 Unrelated Items of Christmas
(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal)

Challenge #209: The 12 Unrelated Items of Christmas. You know the famous song, right? On the twelfth day, the 'lucky' recipient ended up with all these items )

Well, this week's challenge is to write a 100 word, Snape-centric drabble (Christmas related or not, as you choose) featuring any one of the following: drums, pipes, leaping, dancing, milk, swans, geese, golden rings, hens (French or not, as you choose), turtle doves, pears.

bluestocking79 @ 12:20 pm: Ugly Duckling
Challenge #209: The Twelve Unrelated Items of Christmas
Title: Ugly Duckling
Author: [info]bluestocking79
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Notes: The bird in question is an Australian Black Swan. See it here.

Minerva peered over the tops of her glasses at her student. He was as exasperating now as he’d been as a boy: too clever by half, prickly, deeply suspicious.

“Severus, stop thinking so much. Relax and feel the transformation coming over you.” She’d never seen him truly relax, and suspected he was constitutionally incapable of it.

He offered a poisonous glare before closing his eyes, sitting silent and still. Minerva watched in breathless awe as his neck lengthened and the black robes curled into velvety, ruffled feathers.

She grinned at the irony: the ugly duckling had finally become a swan.

alisanne @ 11:39 pm: Romantic Enough
Title: Romantic Enough
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: PG
Challenge: #209: Twelve unrelated items of Christmas
Word Count: 100
Warnings: Au
Beta: [info]sevfan
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Romantic Enough

Current Mood: hopeful
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