Snape 100


December 16th, 2007

bethbethbeth @ 10:20 am: Challenge #208: Mistletoe
(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal)

Challenge #208: Mistletoe. Well, of course you could use this seasonally-appropriate plant for its obvious purpose (...because really, let's be honest: who needs a kiss more than Seveurus Snape?), but if you want to get more creative with your Snape-centric drabble, visit Mistletoe's wikipedia page for more ideas!

bluestocking79 @ 01:15 pm: Multipurpose
Challenge #208: Mistletoe
Title: Multipurpose
Author: bluestocking79
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Pairing: Snuna
Note: Set a number of years post-DH, but very much non-compliant with the Epilogue.
Note 2: This seems to have some inadvertent similarities with [info]samantha_vimes's drabble, but I assure you that I hadn’t read hers before I wrote this. Hopefully, it’s different enough! Any similarity is strictly coincidental.

He should have known better than to let his assistant decorate the shop.

“Lovegood! What do you think you’re doing?”

“Keeping away Nargles.” She fastened another bough of mistletoe above the doorway. “The mistletoe wards them off.”

Severus frowned. “You do realise that using mistletoe carries other implications?”

Luna nodded. “It’s also a fertility symbol. The berries look like semen, don’t you think?”

He stared, speechless. She took the opportunity to kiss him thoroughly.

“See? It’s multipurpose.”

Severus watched her retreat to the back room, feeling slightly dizzy.

If she wanted to decorate next year, he doubted he would object.

blpaintchart @ 03:46 pm: Challenge 207 Pensieve
Title:  Party Games
Author:  blpaintchart
Word count:  100
Rating:  PG-13

shyfoxling @ 07:40 pm: Precision
Title: Precision
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Characters: Severus Snape
Challenge #208: Mistletoe

Severus considered the candidates clinging to the oak trees' bare, icy limbs. When his eyes lit on the perfect choice, he smirked and waggled his wand at it as if it had been a very, very naughty ball of mistletoe, then carefully looked away. This year, for sure, Severus thought.

One, two, three frosty breaths, then -- swish -- he severed the mistletoe's roots with a silent charm. Return stroke, swirl -- a white cloth appeared on the ground.

Severus finally turned to look when heard the rustling fwoomf of the landing.

The leafy ball lay perfectly centered in the cloth's glowing rings.

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