Snape 100


December 3rd, 2007

bethbethbeth @ 11:13 pm: Challenge #206: Memory Charms
(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal)

Oops. I totally forgot to post a challenge yesterday. That being the case, I think this week's challenge has to be...

Challenge #206: Memory Charms. As the Lexicon tells us, Obliviation "modifies or erases portions of a person's memory." Your task, this week, is to write a drabble that focuses on Snape and memory charms. Feel free to bring in guest Obliviators (Gilderoy Lockhart comes to mind, as do the teams of Obliviators who work for the Ministry).


Note: Since I'm going to be on the road next Sunday, I'm issuing next week's challenge now, just in case (I'll post the official version of the challenge when I get home, but as of the 9th of December, feel free to post Snape-centric drabbles related to something on the other end of the memory continuum: Pensieves).

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