Snape 100


October 28th, 2007

bethbethbeth @ 10:07 am: Challenge #201: Random Word Redux
(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal)

Challenge #201: Random Word Redux. Back by popular demand (aka., the fact that I couldn't come up with something new), this week's drabble challenge asks you to do the following: go to the 'Random Word Generator (Plus).', choose a word type (e.g., noun, adjective, preposition), then choose a level of complexity (from 'very common' all the way up to "obscure") and use the resulting "new word" as your prompt.

Note: If you have any suggestions for future challenges, remember to put them in the "suggestion box."

bluestocking79 @ 02:59 pm: Churchgoing
Challenge #201: Random Word Redux
Title: Churchgoing
Author: bluestocking79
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Random Word: Churchgoing
Warning: As the title might imply, this involves some religious imagery. Nothing overt, though.

Note: 'Churchgoing' was the second word I got from the generator, but only because the first one would have required me to either write a very, very NC-17 drabble, or else an AU where Snape has become an OB/GYN!

Churchgoing )

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