Snape 100


August 19th, 2007

bethbethbeth @ 10:41 am: Challenge #191: Snape the Spy
(Well, that challenge was fun! We'll have to do it again sometime, I think.)

Challenge #191: Snape the Spy This week's challenge is to write a drabble focusing on Snape's life as a spy. How did he feel the first time he spied on one side or the other. What were the dangers? What were the rewards? Were there other spies (for Voldemort or the Order) with whom he had contact. What sort of spy practice did he get up to when he was in school or even when he was still a child.

Remember: Moderation is now off, but spoiler warnings are required on this community until September 1, 2007.

(1) All drabbles and header information containing spoilers for Deathly Hallows, no matter how small, must go under a cut tag, and that includes all warnings and even pairings (...if this were OotP, Harry/Cho would be a spoiler).

(2) Drabbles only compliant to HBP can be posted outside of cut-tags as normal (unless they contain'sensitive' material), but they can't include any new information from DH.

(3) Posts which don't follow these guidelines will be deleted without warning. If there's a second incident, the poster will be placed under moderation.

Note: This community is now open for business (here on IJ). Feel free to post/cross-post to that community since some people are only reading their IJ f'lists.

bluestocking79 @ 04:34 pm: The Shadow
Challenge #191: Snape the Spy
Title: The Shadow
Author: [info]bluestocking79
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Warning: DH spoilers. Remaining info and drabble under the cut )

magalud @ 08:41 pm: Drabble: So
Title: So
Author: [info]magalud
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Warning: DH SPOILERS!!!!!
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all mentioned characters are property of JKR and Warner Brothers. No copyright infringement is intended.
Characters and notes are under the cut due to spoilers )

Current Mood: giddy
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