The Rattlesnake Ranch Lines Discussions' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Rattlesnake Ranch Lines Discussions

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[25 Mar 2020|12:11pm]
hello friends! i've just apped this guy here. his name is caleb though he more commonly just goes by king. he'll be a security guard at the ranch, though he probably does private gigs and odd jobs on the side as well. he's a bit of a nomad but he usually lingers in one place for a few months or even a few years before he's up and moving again. could make for some possible lines from the past if anyone is interested in knowing this seemingly broody and otherwise pretty chill guy. he's got a few rough patches in his past that i've left vague enough to be molded but he's certainly not an angel. he's still relatively new to the security team at the ranch and i would love to get some lines going for him. maybe someone that told him the ranch was looking for security, people he's run into all over the world at some point, fellow outdoors types, you need your car or bike fixed? he's got you there too. maybe even someone to overwhelm him a little with this lifestyle change he's going through. throw me your best and your worst, i'm down for anything.
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[ viewing | March 25th, 2020 ]
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