The Rattlesnake Ranch Lines Discussions' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Rattlesnake Ranch Lines Discussions

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[24 Mar 2020|02:08pm]
Hey there. I’m looking to bring in a Snake who specializes in the darker side of things – humiliation, dub-con, total control, intense impact play, sounding, fisting, etc. – and then cuddles the fuck out of boys afterward. I’m trying to decide on a face. So far I’ve thought about C. Hemsworth, Joe Manganiello, Charlie Hunnam, and Ian Anthony Dale. I just can’t make a decision.

So 1) would this character be wanted? And 2) any face ideas/votes?
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[24 Mar 2020|10:00pm]
I'm new to you guys, but I'd really love to bring in this Harry Shum PB as a stripper/snake. He'd probably be a relatively vanilla guy, not big on many hard kinks at all. More of a boyfriend type, which is why he works both jobs instead of just being a Snake. I'd love to have lines with people, though. Roommates, friends, exes, clients, all the standard stuff.

Let me know if you're interested.
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