Snack Attack - January 27th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 27th, 2010

FIC: Winners and Losers (Severus/Sirius ~ R) [Jan. 27th, 2010|09:43 pm]


[mood |tired]

Title: Winners and Losers
Author: Leela ([info]leela_cat)
Pairing: Severus/Sirius
Rating: R
Warnings: Highlight to view: * None *
Word Count: ~450
Disclaimer: So disclaimed.
Summary: For every wager, there's a winner and a loser.
A/N: Happy birthday, [info]r_grayjoy. It's already that time on your side of the country.

Click to read Winners and Losers on my IJ
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