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Mar. 19th, 2009 @ 10:05 pm (no subject)

Title: Unguarded
Medium: Pen and ink sketch
Character: Snape
Rating: G
Notes: Years later, Allie has her own camera - perhaps when she's a 4th year? And she snaps this photo of her Daddy.

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Mar. 16th, 2009 @ 02:32 pm (no subject)

Title: Now I lay Thee Down to Sleep... Fathers.
Artist: [info]littleblackbow
Medium: watercolor on paper
Characters: Snape, toddler Allie, Harry, baby Jimmy
Notes: In the Allieverse. Two fathers on the same day, same time, a world apart, and yet somehow closer than they realize.

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Jan. 9th, 2009 @ 06:38 pm (no subject)
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Happy Birthday Snape!

Hooray for Snape. And to celebrate, I've orchestrated my own birthday bash for him!!!

Title(s): Birthday Bash pictures 1-8
Artist: [info]littleblackbow
Media: Watercolor, pen and ink, pencil
Warnings: None
Rating: G to PG
Character: Severus Snape!
Artist notes: These are all previously unscanned images. Some were just sketches in my sketchbook that never made it any further, some are portraits I made specifically for his birthday! I have one more to finish, and I'll post that later. I just wanted to get these up in time for his birthday!!

Happy Birthday, Severus Snape!
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