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Dec. 5th, 2008 @ 06:54 am (no subject)
Current Mood: overwhelmed
Current Music: Rivers Of Ice-Simple Minds-Real Life
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I can't get this video out of my head., It just keeps replaying.

It's far more complicated than the other two in terms of the song and how to time the thing. I know how the story progression should go, and the atual images aren't so much complicated, as the emotions. God, I'm trying to draw these emotions and figure out where the timing - how things ought to go... The climax in the song and the climax in the music are strangely off...

I don't know how to explain it. It *should* work, but it's... a little off.

I wanted more time for his transportation from point A to point b.

Don't want to explain too much on that.

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Dec. 4th, 2008 @ 08:25 pm Draco?

I need to figure out Draco in this world.

Trying to think of how to draw him, how to work him in. I have some ideas, but they're just wisping at this point, and there really isn't much resolution.

I've found a song for him. I just need to decide what his social position is, and how the war/loss of his Godfather affected him.

Edit: I think I've figured him out.

Well enough that I can start in on the storyline. I'm sure he'll tell me how he wants things to go. :D
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