January 20th, 2010

[info]jaejoongah in [info]smacademy

B-Day Party Anyone?

Okay since this is such short notice, I realize I am pushing my buttons by bringing it up now.

Me and my brother Jin-ah are turning 19 on the 26th coming up...so..we wanted to celebrate that a little early. This weekend, in fact. Next week we're going to go back home to spend a little time with family before we have to come back and get to work again, so we won't be here on the actual day or be available for a party when we return. XD;

So this is just a request maybe? I wanted to see how many of you would be able to attend. It would be either this Friday or Saturday night, so if you are able to come...can you let me know which day allows for more availability?

I can provide all the goodies, as all the minor details have been set up before-hand. Drinks, food, party favors, all that stuff...it's been taken care of by Jin's whore money me. The only issue is attendants. If most of you at the academy cannot attend, I am completely satisfied with keeping the party smaller than planned--possibly a little get together.

Anyway, I am hoping you guys can show up. We haven't really had the chance to get to know many people here because of busy schedules or so much coming and going...but we would like that to change. ^O^

Please comment here if you can attend and let me know which day you are best available~ ♥

November 2010

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