
March 17th, 2007

Slythindor - Drabbles


March 17th, 2007

the lost portrait

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Original poster: megyal

the lost portrait.
Author: [info]megyal
harry/draco (implied), pg-13
Word Count, 863 words, non-challenge entry
[x-posted to [info]harrydraco, [info]slythindor100]

Inspired by a line from this wonderful fic that I'm reading right now: And Then There were Three, by [info]swtalmnd, in particular, the third chapter:
Snape bowed his head in acknowledgement. "You are most welcome. It is unfortunate that many of those with whom you might wish to speak had no opportunity to have their portraits painted before they passed away."
ETA: This ficlet has nothing to do with that lovely chaptered fic; that line just struck me.

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sequel: in a boy's dream

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