
March 16th, 2007

Slythindor - Drabbles


March 16th, 2007

Of Potions, Pranks and Hidden Potential

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Original poster: kcstories

Title: Of Potions, Pranks and Hidden Potential
Author: [info]kcstories
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Cedric/Hermione, Harry/Draco, Ron/Viktor, Snape/Rita Skeeter
Word Count: 1204
Warnings: Crack. Slash. Implied het. More crack. Suggestiveness. And did I mention the crack?
A/N: The Potterverse is JKR's, not mine, and this story has nothing to do with the fourth year Yule Ball as it occurred in canon.

Cho is missing, Cedric is hysterical and denial is Hermione's new best friend.

Link to the story in my LJ

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