
January 8th, 2007

Slythindor - Drabbles


January 8th, 2007

Monday Fun, don't you think?

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Original poster: faith1922

Title: Old and New
Words: 902
Prompt: Answer to my Monday prompt, Out with the old, in with the new.
A/N: I went and got all sappy. Bwah. Must shower, NOW.

”Out )

For next week I tag…..[info]enchanted_jae, mostly because I don’t have the web access right now to check who else I could pick. Your prompt is bad hair day and to make it a bit less obvious, Draco must not be the one suffering from terrible hair.

Other than that, I’m resigning from the Monday Fun. I’m graduating in four months and I barely get to read my flist as it is. I’ll also open this Comm up for everyone to post challenges. Sorry bout that. The alternative would be for someone else to take over? Yeah, didn’t think so.

So this is goodbye then, at least until June. Stay pretty, boys and girls.

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