
October 3rd, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


October 3rd, 2006

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Original poster: blaithacs

Title: Better Left Unseen
Author: [info]blaithacs
Pairing: Harry/Draco, past Harry/Ginny (implied)
Rating: NC-17
World count: 4177
Warning: Slash, explicit m/m sex, voyeurism.
Summary: When Ginny catches Harry and Draco in a compromising position, she thinks it's disgusting and perverted, but still she can't look away...
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling
Author’s Note: Okay… This is the first sex scene I’ve ever written and I’m anxious…I was tagged by [info]faith1922, with the prompt “Another try”. Well, this fic came a bit late as I was in a complete absence of plot bunnies, muses or whatever, all week long… Also, since it's the first time I participate in [info]slythindor100's Monday Fun challenge, I don't know if I did anything wrong...Hope it's not the problem, the over4000~ words..

Anyway, here it is, with the precious help of my two betas, [info]kcstories and [info]raisinous_fiend. Thank you so so so much, both of you, for the quick beta as well as the suggestions and your support… :)

Better left unseen at my journal

So, for next week, I tag...[info]aquila_star, with the prompt "poison"...Have fun..! :)

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