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slytherin100 #38 Late [Apr. 24th, 2009|01:12 pm]

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[Current Mood | crushed]

Title: The Late...
Character(s): Severus, Abraxas, Narcissa
Pairing(s): Severus/Abraxas (Gen)
Rating: G
Warning(s): None
Challenge(s): slytherin100 prompt 38 Late
Word count: 100
Author's notes: X-posted. The characters were supposed to be a surprise. 8^P

After other mourners had filed away, Severus returned to the sepulchre, moving across the grounds in the shadows. His superstitious fingers stroked the cold white marble above the body. The body, not the soul.

"Father." Not his father, but alone he permitted himself this. "You taught me. You made me. What will become of me now?"

He lay prostrate, cold close-cropped grass absorbing his tears. Severus never cried, but now shook silently, bereft.

"You kept me when there was nowhere else."

Narcissa found him, comforting hand at his shoulder. No one touched him. "Come. Abraxas would not have wanted this."
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"Late bloomer" (Scorpius, Draco, G, 100 words) [Apr. 22nd, 2009|09:15 pm]

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Title: Late bloomer
Character(s): Scorpius, Draco
Rating: G
Challenge(s): [info]slytherin_100's Late prompt & [info]draco100's absence of magic prompt
Word count: 100
Author's note: X-posted @ LJ

Scorpius was eight when he could no longer ignore the whispers. Grandfather and dad had been arguing for weeks, and Draco’s face was pinched with worry as they went to St Mungo's for their yearly check-up. The specialist threw around words like "trauma" and "absent maternal influence."

When they Flooed home, he turned to his dad and asked, "Are they saying that I'm a Squib because Mum died?"

"Scorpius, they don't know what they're talking about." He sounded tired and sad. "If that's true, then Harry Potter wouldn't have had an ounce of magic. Your magic isn’t absent, it’s just…late."


ETA 04/23/09: Continued here.
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