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"Goodwill to All" (Draco/Astoria, G, 100 words) [May. 8th, 2008|03:53 pm]

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Title: Goodwill to All
Pairing: Draco/Astoria
Rating: G
Challenge: Charity
Word count: 100
X-posted @ HP Drabble Tree and @ LJ

"Malfoys don't do charity."

Astoria gave him a look that was almost as effective as the Malfoy eyebrow.

Draco quickly amended himself. "I meant to say, we don't believe in charity unless it puts us in a good light."

His wife was unmoved. "So? Pull some strings and get the Daily Prophet to cover it."

Sighing, he pulled out a Gringotts form. "How many galleons did you say the charity need?"

Astoria beamed. "Five hundred galleons should do nicely, dear."

"Make sure the donation stays anonymous," he called out to his wife's back.

Society of Ferrets and Weasels Preservation indeed.
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China doll (Draco/Pansy, Astoria, PG-13, 100 words) [Mar. 9th, 2008|07:24 pm]

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Title: China Doll
Pairing(s): Draco/Pansy, Astoria
Rating: PG-13 for boys being boys
Challenge: Common Room
Word count: 100 words
Author's notes: Sorry JKR, but Pansy is 100 times more interesting than your self-insertion Mary Sue Ginny.
Also answers [info]writing_game's China Doll prompt.

"Daphne's little sister is interested in you." Pansy carded careful fingers through white blond hair.

Draco, head comfortably pillowed on her lap, grunted noncommittally.

"All the boys—even Blaise—think she's pretty," Pansy continued.

Snuggling deeper into the sofa, Draco said, tone unconcerned, "She is prettier than her sister."

Pansy paused in her ministrations.

"She's like a china doll--pretty and vacuous. Blaise always does prefer them empty-headed."

When Pansy resumed her petting, Draco drawled, "Besides, nobody else fill out their robes like you do."

Pansy snorted.

"Ow! No hair pulling!"

"Serves you right." A small smile quirked her lips.

(X-posted @ LJ)
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