Oct. 29th, 2007


Homosexuality in ancient Greece Part II

It’s already been a while since my last entry about homosexuality in ancient Greece. Last time I talked about the reasons and origins of homesexuality in Greek culture. This time I’ll once again stick to the information given in the Eva Cantarella’s book and tell you something about the Homeric poems, especially the Iliad.

Before reading the text I didn’t know, that there had been a "Greek Dark Age" in history. The Dark Ages apparently is the time span between 12th and 18th century BC. The time before is the time of Mycenaen civilisation, the time after is the period of the organized polis system. Must have been really dark ages, because I did hear about both periods in my history lessons, but never of a time in between. Okay, my history teacher was crap, but that’s not the point here.

I like cuts, they keep my flist intact )

Oct. 20th, 2007


It's true: Albus was gay

I totally snagged that from [info]jellybean_slash.

Now it's canon that Albus and Grindewald were in love. Read on:

october 19, 2007 at 9:32 PM
Posted by CHEESER
Source: hpana

Answering a question posed to her at tonight's book reading at Carnegie Hall in New York, Harry Potter author JK Rowling said she "always thought Dumbledore was gay" and that he originally fell in love with the wizard Grindelwald.

Rowling also said she had read through Steve Kloves' script for the movie adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and corrected a passage in which Dumbledore was reminiscing about past loves by crossing it out and scrawling "Dumbledore is gay" over it.

Upon hearing her response, a hush fell over the audience in attendence and then applause exploded. Rowling remarked that if she had known that would be the response, she would've revealed her thoughts on Dumbledore earlier.

More on tonight's event to follow shortly, including the full question and answer segment!

We all knew, right?

Oct. 7th, 2007


Homosexuality in ancient Greece

Sometimes it's strange: You live your daily life and have special interests, say slash. Then there comes along one film, which you haven't seen in cinema, because you watched the trailer and it was urgh. One day however your interest guides you back to this film and whoops, you are anxious to collect more and more knowledge on the films content.

That's what happened to me, when I watched "Alexander". I don't want to be monotonous, I know that I already posted about the film and all. Also, it's really not the film that's highly interesting, but the time it plays in. What do we now about that epoch? How come an ancient society accepted the relationship between two men or two women? Why don't I know anything about this stuff from my history lessons?

So many questions and no answers. But I am not a slash fan and student for nothing. So I went to my university's library and did some research to satisfy my curiosity. I found a nice book, which has some answers in it: "Bisexuality in the Ancient World" by Eva Cantarella.

Homosexuality in Ancient Greece )